Investor Relations


Investor Relations

Highlights 2023

  • 15.4m

    cable rgus by the end of the year

  • 6.1M

    SKY RGUs by the end of the year

Televisa at-a-glance

We have set for ourselves very aggressive goals for the coming year, from improving the ratings of our content and expanding its reach globally, to continuing increasing the number of our video, voice and data customers. The opportunity for us is immense, and we look forward to sharing with you many more successes in the years to come

Emilio Azcárraga Jean
Chairman of the Board


Televisa is a major telecommunications corporation which owns and operates one of the most significant cable companies as well as a leading direct-to-home satellite pay television system in Mexico.

Reports & Filings

Events & Presentations

J.P. Morgan Global Emerging Markets Corporate Conference

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Investor Presentation
Third Quarter 2024

Events & Presentations
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Investor Relations

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